ERM-CZ110 细粉尘(可提取离子)
英文名称:ERM-CZ110 FINE DUST (extractable ions)
SAFETY INFORMATION The usual laboratory safety precautions apply. As the material consists of fine particles, appropriate protection against inhalation is also recommended.
INTENDED USE The main purpose of this material is to assess method performance, i.e. for checking accuracy of analytical results. As any reference material, it can also be used for control charts or validation studies.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ERM-CZ110 细粉尘 标准品The material must be re-homogenised by repeatedly turning over the bottle for at least two minutes before opening. Care should be taken to avoid any change of the moisture content once the units are open, as the material is slightly hygroscopic. To maintain the pick-up of water below 1 % relative to the mass, the maximum handling time should be about 15 minutes. The user should close any vial immediately after taking a sample. The minimum amount of sample to be used is 5 mg.
ERM-CZ110 细粉尘(可提取离子)是一种细颗粒材料,从波兰的一个公路隧道收集的颗粒物质中制备。CRM可在含有至少150毫克粉末的玻璃瓶中获得。填充工作在氮气气氛下进行。
安全信息 通常的实验室安全预防措施适用。由于该材料由细颗粒组成,因此也建议采取适当的防吸入保护措施。
ERM-CZ110 细粉尘(可提取离子)的主要目的是评估方法的性能,即检查分析结果的准确性。作为任何参考材料,它也可以用于控制图表或验证研究。
使用说明 ERM-CZ110 细粉尘必须在打开前反复翻转瓶子至少两分钟,使材料重新均质。一旦单元打开,应注意避免水分含量发生任何变化,因为材料具有轻微的吸湿性。为了保持取水相对于质量的1%以下,最大处理时间应为15分钟左右。使用者应在取样后立即关闭任何小瓶。样品的最di使用量为5毫克。
储存 ERM-CZ110 细粉尘(可提取离子)材料应在黑暗中储存在(4 ± 3)°C。
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