NIST SRM 968f 脂溶维生素(人血清)
英文名称:Fat-Soluble Vitamins in Frozen Human Serum
Use: SRM 968f is provided as a set of two vials of frozen serum that should be allowed to thaw at room temperaturefor at least 30 min under subdued light. The contents of a vial should then be gently mixed prior to removal of a testportion for analysis. Precautions should be taken to avoid exposure to strong ultraviolet (UV) light and direct sunlight.The certification only applies to the initial use and the same results are not guaranteed if the remaining material isused at a later date.
Safety: This is a human source material. Handle product as a biohazardous material capable of transmitting infectiousdisease. The supplier has reported that each donor unit of plasma used in the preparation of this product was testedby FDA-licensed tests and found to be negative for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), HIV 1 antigen, hepatitis Bsurface antigen, and hepatitis C. However, no known test method can offer complete assurance that hepatitis B virus,hepatitis C virus, HIV, or other infectious agents are absent from this material
储存和处理:在需要使用之前,标准物质 SRM 968f 脂溶维生素(人血清)应储存在 -70 °C 或以下的黑暗中。如果总shi黄醇和生育酚是唯1的目标分析物,则 SRM 968f 可在 -20 °C 的暗处储存。
用途:NIST SRM 968f (人血清)以一组两瓶冷冻血清的形式提供,应在室温下在弱光下解冻至少 30 分钟。然后在取出测试部分进行分析之前,应轻轻混合小瓶中的内容物。应采取预防措施,避免暴露于强紫外线 (UV) 和直射阳光下。该认证仅适用于初次使用,如果以后使用剩余材料,则不能保证相同的结果。
安全性:SRM 968f 一种人类来源的材料。将产品作为能够传播传染病的生物危害材料处理。供应商报告说,用于制备该产品的每个血浆供体单位都经过 FDA 许可的测试,发现人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)、HIV 1 抗原、乙型肝炎表面抗原和丙型肝炎呈阴性。但是,没有已知的测试方法可以全部保证该材料中不存在乙型肝炎病毒、丙型肝炎病毒、HIV 或其他传染性病原体。因此,这种基于人类血液的产品应按生物安全 2 级进行处理。
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